Kampung Breakfast

It’s A Small World… In Beijing

V for Victoria During the seven days long Chinese New Year holiday in China, most buildings turn off their air-conditioning, resulting in stuffy interiors that make it difficult for the…

Victorians in China – lunch on Sat, 26 Nov

Even pandas need to makan. So, Victorians in China, it’s time to gather for lunch! Date: Saturday, 26th November Time: 12noon Location: Lau Pa Sak, 北京市朝阳区东直门外大街20号楼东(近幸福三村) (map) Please RSVP vinc@ova.org.sg.…

Reminder: Kampung Breakfast (May)

This month, there is delicious PRATA! Date: 29th May 2011 (Last sunday of the month) Time: 0900H onwards Venue: Victoria School (Siglap Link) Please spread this OVA initiative to all…

Kampung Breakfast (May 2011)

This month, there is delicious PRATA! Date: 29th May 2011 (Last sunday of the month) Time: 0900H onwards Venue: Victoria School (Siglap Link) Please spread this OVA initiative to all…

Kampung Breakfast (April 2011)

Hope you enjoyed the DELICIOUS PRATA during V1CTO3IAN5 Day! This month, there is YUMMY NASI LEMAK! 🙂 Date: 24th April 2011 (Last sunday of the month) Time: 0900H onwards Venue:…