Date:22nd May (9 am) to 23rd May (9 am)
Venue:Victoria School, 2 Siglap Link
Objectives:1) Building a shared identity, values and culture through a common Victoria
Challenge experience for all staff, students and alumni
2) Making contributions back to community and creating an impact on society
Theme:“The Honour that You Claim”
Class based Challenge – Giving Honour to VS
Each class or alumni group is to identify a task that commemorates 139 years
of Victoria School or is in line with the theme.
Signature Event – Giving Honour to the nation (SG50)
The Signature Event will involve all staff and students. This massive project
aims to celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday as well as benefitting society.
More details to be released.
Nature of
Challenge:The nature of the various challenges can be based on:
1) Aesthetics : To enhance the physical environment, usually refers to
beautifying a physical space with the use of art works
2) Atmospheric : To build or add ambience within school during the Victoria
Challenge period, usually refers to a physical activity
3) Active Contributions to Community: To contribute back to community
through direct and indirectly services, or advocating for a cause
Click here to download the Briefing Slides.
Click here to download the Proposal Forms for Students.
Click here to download the Proposal Forms for Alumni.