Join us for a morning of freshly made roti prata, washed down with teh tarik and marinated with conversations between alumni, teachers and friends.
Joining us for our simple breakfast are our friends from Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Cedarian Alumni and Cedar PSG.
The Cedar connection is a result of the Victoria-Cedar Alliance Integrated Programme (VCA IP), which started in 2012 and allows Cedar students to bypass the GCE ‘O’ Levels and take the GCE “A” levels. Students complete their secondary education in Cedar before joining Victoria Junior College in Year 5.
Of course, this is not the first time that Cedarians and Victorians makan together. Back in the 1990s, we already did after each National Track & Field at the old Kallang Stadium and during countless ECA exchanges. And we makan-ed overseas too, as they did in Beijing just recently.
See you at our Kampung Breakfast!
Venue: Victoria Junior College
Date: 4th May 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 0900-1100
Image source: Tumbler